Renewable Energy Storage Model

Energy suppliers are aiming to create propositions for large industrials focussing on improving the percentage of renewable energy used by the large industials. One of the propositions will contain battery storage on customer level / site to re-use renewable energy generated by PV (solar) or wind assets at customers location. Novitam is creating models for different propositions to calculated the renewable energy consumption increase (%) versus the increase of energy price (Cost of Storage)

A hypothetical industrial customer is modelled using a “standard” industrial profile for yearly consumption. The month February is selected to visualized the profiles

Standard industrial consumption profile

Clearly visible is the weekly profile of 5 working days and the weekend. Maximum consumption is around 160 KWh per hour and total consumption for this week is 45 MWh.

Standard Industrial with wind and solar

The same profile with both PV and wind assets using the power production for own production process and delivering surplus of power back to the grid.

The month with the same consumption profile is visualized and added are both wind and solar supply (own supply and Guarantees of Origin) for this specific week. Consumption stays at 76 MWh and supply consists of 12 MWh of own PV, 54 MWh of wind and 8 MWh of solar. Although load and renewable supply are almost matching for the whole month (76 load versus 75 supply), the industrial still consumes 26 MWh of the grid because of the hourly mismatch in consumption and supply. For this week the industrial customer is supplied with 65,84% percent of renewable energy.

The mismatch on hourly granularity is visualised in the graph below. The green line represents the total mismatch, being either log or short. And the yellow specificly pointing to back-delivery of own PV production to the grid

Industrial with wind, solar and batterij storage

In the graph below the energy storage / battery is added in the model:

The same industrial with wind and solar supply and battery storage still consumes 76 MWh for the week and 75 MWh of renewable energy is supplied to the customer. Using the batterij with a capacity of 0,5 MWh, some 5 MWh power is stored during overproduction and dispached to the industrial when there is a shortfall on renewable production.

There is a grid consumption of 21 MWh instead of 26 MWh and the percentage renewable energy consumed by the industrial is 72.73%

Different size of electricity storage and hourly matching

Different sizes of storage lead to different scores on hourly matched usage of renewable energy. The graph below provides visualisation of the percentage renewable enery usage per battery capacity in percentage of the yearly consumption profile. As shown the percentage renewable energy is also depending on the ratio wind and solar production.

Battery sizing and efficiency

To analyze the efficiency and sizing of a battery, there are several options to do so. In the case visualized below the battery size is determined by the yearly average hourly profile to determine required capacity and power of the system (on the left). On the right side a graph is created to visualise the relation between battery capacity and renewable score. To get a better understanding the the relationship.

Cost of storage and hourly matching scores

The model clearly shows that battery usage for increasing hourly matched renewable energy usages comes with a price. In the overview below calculations are made (in EUR) to determine the finanicials of a battery implementation on the average price per MWh

All models can be used on different profiles and industrials. Peakshaving, grid-services and demand response are optionalities that can be included in the calculations.

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  1. Pingback: De business-case van een thuisbatterij – Novitam Consultancy

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